How can this be true??

January 13, 2010

Sarah Palin is the second most admired woman in 2009.

She trails Hillary Clinton by just 1 percentage point,   which would statistically deem this a tie.

Really??  How can this be??  All I hear from most of the people on the net about Sarah is:  she’s  a moron,  an idiot,  she doesn’t know anything,  she has no experience. Blah blah blah.

Oh,  and the best thing said?? Joy Behar had the ignorance to say that Sarah Palin “followers”  can’t even read!!!   I wonder if she really believes that tripe that she spews??

Again,  the left is afraid of Sarah,  very afraid.

I wonder why??  Could it be her belief in GOD??  That she is a smart,  strong woman?  A good looking woman??  A working mom that seems to be able to manage it all??  A hot husband??   What is it that makes her such a threat to the left??

Someone likes Palin.  Or rather,  someones like her!!

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